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She says she’ll pay me back, but never does

Right now, I’m not talking with one of my friends, and I’m wondering if I’m being manipulated by. She always made me feel bad about myself, whether it’s my clothes or my hairstyle, and she made me feel bad when I wasn’t helping her. I was studying for my midterm, and she needed groceries, but…

everything seems to be messed up now

Everything seems to be messed up now. My used to be best friend or maybe still is idk… She just thinks that I am going behind her back and talking shit about her, but the truth is that I have never said anything about her to anyone. I tried to prove to her, but she…

Christmas is uncomfortable and a downer

This time of year has been difficult for 20 years. It’s become worse but never better. Christmas is uncomfortable and a downer. The socialization I’m expected to do is draining not recharging. I think more than usual about those I have lost. Financial hardships rear their heads, and I have to give up what little…

I’m struggling with constant stress.

Dad keeps making me stressed. So does Sister. So does school. It’s happening again. The same thing that happened only a couple of weeks ago. I believe it was October 5 when it began. I should explain. Basically, Sister came into my room and I shouted at her to get out. I called my dad…

He constantly tries to destroy my marriage

My father is a catholic priest, and my mother was a nun (at the time I was conceived). He refused to acknowledge my existence, and continues to even now (I’m in my thirties), and my mother gradually went mental and is completely removed from reality by now. I have a family, but my mother claims…

We all changed in many ways

The word ‘u changed a lot ‘is hearing frequently from our dear n near people/families around us. It makes a bit confusion…. did we changed, so we need to look deeply what’s the root cause that made others think we changed. As the time moves on change is imminent, those who don’t change they will…

My sister just died

My sister just died, and I don’t know what to do. I am crying, and I am getting a series of dreams where she comes back from the grave and tells me about her life in heaven with my brother Riley and she says that she thinks that no one cares about her any more…