I am Anurag from India. I was passionate about engineering and there are hell lot of collages in India for engineering. When I was in grade 10, I scored a very good mark and I was 3rd topper of my school. I decided to take admission in Loyola School which is a prestigious Jesuit’s institution in our town.
Though getting admission to that school for my senior secondary education was not a problem and was easy for me due to my 10th marks. In India there is a split of beaches in grade 11th itself according to the student whether he/she wants to make career in science/commerce/arts. I chose science because I wanted to do engineering. New batch in my new school started a in the month of June in 2016.
In India there are collages named as IIT which are very prestigious for their engineering courses. It is also difficult to qualify its entrance examination. Out of 1.5 million students only 10 thousand get selected. The examination for IITs was scheduled in April month of 2018 after our grade 12th examinations. I had two years roughly which is considered sufficient if studied 5-6 hrs a day with great focus. I started preparing for it. I was pretty sure about it that I will crack this exam easily. But after four months of tremendous effort a sudden big jerk came in my way and that was my mental health.
My life became hell as no doctors was able to detect my problem and to treat it. I wasted a lot of money on my health. I was having a severe brain fog all the time. I was having the sensation of feeling detached all the time. I thought that it was due to restlessness and I tried sleeping day and night, but it was just a waste. Although my focus and mental clarity was just gone away, and I always felt that I am drunk even though I was not. My memory became very poor.
Even remembering silly things was a big challenge for me. And after all this you all can imagine what will have happened to my studies. I then tried to ignore my problems and try till that day when I meet failure.
Although it seems impossible for me to crack that exam, but I am still trying and will try even if one day is left for the exam. I read the things and forget it next day that’s stopping me. I had prayed to God every day and night for resolving my problem but now I think there is no one like God, if there has been one he should have been kind enough to help me through my pitiable condition.