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Dear Liam

Dear Liam,

You have been a really warm and pleasant company for the past couple of months. You have made me feel certain ways, in some ways you helped me through some stuff that was not my fault but I thought it was. You also walked me through a perspective that I don’t have to be popular or fake or anything that I am not to impress people.

Ironically enough, you have also made me feel like I am the only one who makes mistakes. You have called me selfish and materialistic for what? Wishing for a walk in wardrobe? Asking my friends to buy me watercolors? Preferring a real diamond over the fake thingy? And I have spent the rest of those nights googling the whole internet ‘how to stop being selfish’. You get in my head and do this to me, like it’s my fault. I feel like you don’t understand me. It’s not selfishness that drives me it’s ambition and dreams. I am normal.

I want to tell you that I think you have a video game addiction. You don’t see that and I never made deal about it because humans have to make a connection with something. You don’t talk enough with ‘real’ friends and family and a connection with games is probably better than drugs and alcohol. But if I was you, even if I didn’t have a job, I’d be volunteering somewhere, salvation army? Red Cross? Youth services? Your whole social isolation deal I’m sorry but I just don’t believe it you know, unless you were diagnosed by a doctor, I just think it is what video games are doing to you. I am just suggesting, don’t get angry. Think about it.

I have confessed to you that I love you. I fear that might not be true. It’s not that I lied to you. I lied to myself I reckon. I was lonely, lacked friends and you kind of filled the void pretty well. And I can’t you know be an ‘on hold’ item for you. Hold expired I guess. We’ll no longer be visiting and well you said once if you love someone, you can’t be friends anymore; We are not friends therefore as well. I’ll leave the choice of blocking each other to you, if you want do it.


  1. Wow, re-read this in 20 years and you’ll definitely know that you are indeed selfish. The whole world isn’t a place that revolves around you. Nobody on the street is an extra in “your” movie. You’re no more important than anyone else. You have much growing up to do. Sounds like Liam got lucky and dodged a carcinogenic bullet.

  2. I disagree with the other person’s comment. Do what makes you happy in life. Why wait on someone to change, when it’s who they are? If you feel someone is not giving you the time of day to even ask who your day then why waste your time with them. When that partner should feel that you are their everything, that partner should put down and stop what he is doing because he takes what you have to say and feel seriously. He would love how you think, how you act, small things like how you prefer your coffee/tea to the big things like political views/morals.

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