Hi! My name is Danny (not my real name) and I’m thirteen years old. I really need some advice as how to talk to this girl I really like (I’ll also tell you how I met her).
It all started about 8 years ago when I was about 4-5 years. We had moved from New York to Virginia when I was 3. We started attending a new church that we still attend today. I went to the kindergarten Sunday School. Well, a few months later, a new family came to the church (I’ll call them the Hansen family). Anyway, one of their daughters, Caitlyn, came to our Sunday school. She was 5 or 6 at the time. She was a very pretty girl with golden hair and bluish eyes. I really liked her but me being girl-shy I just said hi and shyly smiled at her.
Fast forward 8 years, here I am as a teenager and Caitlyn is now 15. I like her even more than I did when she first came! Her mother and my mom are both Sunday school teachers together and are great friends. My dad and her dad are also really good friends. My sisters are friends with her sister, and most of all, I’m friends with her only brother!!
What’s the problem you might ask? Well, my best friend has recently been flirting with her and I can see Caitlyn is VERY uncomfortable with him. The other thing is that many guys like her too and they have more time with her than I do. I’m still as shy as before and I have no idea how to start even a friend type of relationship. Can someone please help me?
Just be yourself and she will like you.
Be yourself. Ask about her. Eg things she likes and try to guage if she is interested in you eg if she asks you questions. (Though be careful assuming anything – some people are just friendly.) Ask her on a date or to just go do something together – anything you’d normally do on your own or with friends. Try not to be jealous of other guys. Learn more about each other and then you can really decide if you like each other. Don’t be afraid to talk to your parents even if it is embarrassing to.