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I have repressed memories of being abused

Growing up I had issues with speech and often wet the bed.

My family often retells a story where I filled the oil tank with water from a hose.

I believe this action may have been me lashing out.

I have repressed memories of being abused.

I remember having my pants pulled down and doing what someone called a “pee pee” dance.

In addition to this, I had braces on my teeth from age 10 until I had dentist remove them at age 18.

I did not get the extractions that were needed in order for the braces to even work.

I had braces during the most crucial years of growing up and it wrecked my self confidence.

There are school pictures of me with pieces of the braces missing.

Imagine having braces on your teeth for no reason.

Fast forward 30+ years. I broke my shoulder this year. While we were driving home Dr. Laura had a guest who was sexually abused as a child and was messed up from it.

I remember it clear as day when my mom said “you didn’t turn out so bad.”

I don’t know if it was the anaesthesia wearing off but it felt real to me.

When I heard this I texted my sister, asking her if she knew anything about it. It would have been something like 35 years ago.

She was not sure, as she was a child at the time. Do I confront my mom? I don’t think there is ever a good time for such a conversation.

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