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17 and thought I was being abducted

I was leaving Walmart today and as I was about to enter my car, a car pulled up right behind me with the window down leaning over the other seat staring at me. Being alone I quickly jumped in my front seat and locked the doors. He continued to sit in his car behind mine preventing me from backing out. Mind you there were no parking spots next to me, so he wasn’t trying to park. I kept looking back in my mirrors, and he suddenly looks around more, drives forward, and then reverses his car back to where he was before, right behind my trunk, still staring at my car. I was very scared, I didn’t know if he was going to approach me or say something, so I quickly called my boyfriend and waited in my car while he finally drove off, and tried to see where he parked so he wouldn’t follow me out. Long story short, a 17 yr old girl should not be scared of being abducted or looked at as an object of sex while getting groceries. It’s bad enough women didn’t have a right to have a job or vote at one point but now have to fear getting safely to a car in the year 2015….

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