I got locked in a classroom with someone of the same sex:
So , I was looking for a friend of mine; Joshua. Now this was in school there was a 3 floor building. I passed by one of my friends Adrian he was there along with some other friends of his, so I asked if anyone saw Joshua, someone said on the 3rd floor now I thought it was Adrian who said this, I ran up to the 3rd floor where there was Mrs.Raghunanan having a class, but the rest of the classes up on 3rd floor was empty. So I knew Joshua had Mrs.Raghunanan as his form teacher so I passed by the class asking for him, then I was leaning over the banister looking downstairs when some boys grabbed me and threw me in a class now it was the last day of school so as usual they had to have a little fun and games, so they locked me in the class, so I was shaking the lock and calling out to anyone in sight, I saw a teacher Mr.Ambrose and I called out to him so he looked and just grin, like if it was just a usual student hailing him before he goes so in the class was another boy, he was changing in the class, after I was tired calling out I took out my phone and checked to see if I had any money on it to make a call, so I dialed it and It said I had zero dollars so I asked the other guy if he had money on his phone and he was like “no” I just gave up I dropped my phone on the table and I walked to the back of the classroom I climbed onto the table and I crouched my head, now a lot of stress was happening home by me where my family and I was just not very lucky the previous night I had went to sleep at minutes to three I was tired so I reached to school at Half 7 because I had to host a talent show all up to 12. I was so tired I just crouched on the table hugged my bag and started to ask god certain questions like why me? Why crazy things always happening to me, why can’t god give me a break ? And so on. Then the principal opened the window and saw the other guy and she asked what are you doing in there? His response was ” changing ” she called out to a student and asked him to call the Safety Officer the safety office reached in about 5 minutes. But I was still on the desk totally zoned out just feeling really angry at the things that were happening in life and most of the times my aunt would’ve been a big help to me she saw how my parents were to me so she bought me school books, school clothes and stationery there was some days I didn’t eat at home and she had to bring me lunch. So I was just zoned out but as the safety officer reached I came of the desk and came towards the gate the other guy who said he was changing was putting on his pants but I was fully dressed and I was neat. As I said previously I was hosting a talent show earlier so I had on Black Pants and a Orange Shirt with long sleeves the principal divided both of us she sent me with the safety officer and the principal took the other guy. So we didn’t have any time to “create a plan” but however our both stories had striking similarities. So the principal thought that some sexual activities were going on between me and the other guy now listen to this My Grades are good all my teachers have positive things to say about me .
1) I’m a Prefect and a Member of The Student Council, Now in My school sexual activities happens quite often, all the students involved in those activities have low grades.
2) There is a camera facing exactly to the 3rd floor, they could use that to see when the guys pushed me in.
3) The principal should’ve examined us for erections.
4) Both of our reports that we wrote was the same, and we were broken up.
5) I don’t hang out with this guy, he’s in my form class and my Form Teacher knows this for a fact, he’s a beg and he is really annoying, I never sat near him my whole life.
6) I don’t have this person on facebook or any other social media platform.
7) Students in the class would say the same, I don’t talk to Nkosi in class and I never hung out with him.
8) Our form teacher knows he has a girlfriend, why would he even do something like this?
9) I live in a Family where we do not allow anything other than Straight People , it’s a religious thing.
10) The lock on the gate doesn’t belong to any of us, and my aunt who was there could’ve confirmed this.
Now when we were in the office it was an whole big argument , My P.E teacher was there, the safety officer was there and of course the Principal, but I was really upset and I was arguing to them, I know I was a bit disrespectful, so I’ve learn to eat some humble pie
To My P.E Teacher
Sir, you might not of understood why I was so upset but sir think of it like this if you were in my shoes , how would you of react? I was angry because I was being told that there was a possibility that me and this other guy had some activities going on, now I find this very upsetting, sir you know the people I crush on , NONE OF THEM ARE GUYS. AND THEY WON’T EVER BE. I felt disgusted I felt embarrassed that such a scenario would’ve been made up by the principal, why would she think something like that, My friends all know that I’m 101% straight and would never consider anything other than that so as I boy I felt stripped of my boyhood I felt degraded and I felt the need to talk a little louder.
Now things started to look bleak on my part because they called the Teacher Mr. Ambrose and he said that He couldn’t of remember seeing a student waving or calling him after school, so now I look like a huge liar and I felt so embarrassed but I ask all teachers this: are you able to remember how many students hailed you out at school? Of course not. This whole situation has me in a total mess and no words could adequately describe how I’m shamed to step foot back into that school, I felt helpless I don’t know what to do from here on, school life would never be the same, But I’ll do what I use to do and do it even more, I’ll push HARDER to get One’s and Distinctions in ALL my subjects.
Form 4 Student , 15 years , Trinidad & Tobago.