Hi, I’m Maddi I’m currently 15 and this is my life story.
So I’m gonna skip to when I was about 3-4 years old, my mum and dad separated and I had to stay at my mums house during the week and got to see my dad on weekends, my mum also soon after got a new boyfriend. He never really liked me and I hated him so I spent most of my time at my grandmas house. He even smashed a window over me while I was sleeping on a lounge one night. I never really liked my mum either, she didn’t like my dad and would do everything in her power to hurt him. She hired hit men to bash him, 4 men bashed him with shovels and left him for dead. But he drove himself to the hospital and got help. I hated my mum even more. At this age I was already chronically stressed and my hair started falling out, but I got medication for it. Moving on to when I started school, I attended school with my 3 older brothers and soon I moved to my grandmas where my dad lived. For years I was a normal happy kid, Me and my dad moved out when I was about 10 and everything was great, my brothers stayed with my mum. I was happy until I started highschool, my dad became an alcoholic and started using drugs, he’d be up all night yelling and being aggressive, I’d try my best to just ignore it and hope that everything would be okay in the morning. We would have endless fights and wouldn’t talk for days. He would yell at neighbours, yell at my grandparents and trash the house. My whole family hated my dad for hurting our family, except me and my grandma. He soon lost his job because he was always too drunk to go and he had no source of income so he and his mate thought it would be a good idea to deal drugs, he was caught by police and sent to jail for a year while I was in year 7, I also dealt with a lot of bullying in year 7 and skipped days because of it. I didn’t tell any of my friends. Me and my grandma hoped that it would be good for him and he would be normal when he got out of jail. But boy were we wrong. When he got out of jail he was worse, he would carry on and on and he did for 2 years, he started on heavier drugs and would physically, verbally and mentally abuse both my grandparents and me everyday and every night. I wanted to call the police but my grandma would never let me and told me to just ignore him because thats ‘just the way he is’. Soon I became very stressed and depressed and would cry every night because I didn’t want to live this life anymore, I did attempt multiple times to commit suicide, which nobody knows about. I could never tell anybody at school what was happening at home, what was I supposed to say? What were they supposed to think of me? We just lived with it because we were used to it and I had to pretend I was okay. One night my dad hit my grandma to the ground and she called the police, the police came and my dad pretended he didn’t do anything, he just cried and told us it was all our fault and ‘how could we do this to him?’. He spent the night in jail and came home but wouldn’t say a word to us. When he finally spoke he said ‘how could you call the police on me’ ‘why do you want to take me away from my daughter’ etc. Trying his best to make my nan feel guilty for calling the police on him, of course she did and he got away with it, he was only put on a good behaviour bond. And of course he continued abusing everyone in the house, until one day he smashed all the house windows and put holes through the walls while my grandma was at work so my grandpa called the police again. He had to go to court because he broke his good behaviour bond. He soon went to rehab and we were free. But then my grandparents started getting old and cranky, everyday when I got home from school I’d get yelled at as soon as I walked through the door, Id get in trouble for eating, I’d get in trouble for being in my bedroom too often, I’d get in trouble for being in the lounge room, Id get in trouble for going places. My friends at school weren’t the best either, they just went on and on about drama and they never really invited me anywhere unless I invited them, I felt constantly left out and I hated being there. I didn’t feel welcome anywhere, I then again became depressed and would come home lock myself in my room and just cry because I felt neglected and unwanted by everyone. My mother never wanted anything to do with me ever since I left her care when I was 5, I had no proper parents, I would pray every night that I’d wake up with loving parents. But that never happened. My brothers grew up to be juveniles, they were always in and out of jail, I never really associated with them anymore either. All I have is cranky, nasty grandparents who make me feel like shit for everything. I think about quitting school all the time because I can’t handle everything but I know that won’t get me anywhere. I have been through depression and attempting to commit suicide, I’m still going through depression but it’s not as bad as it use to be, I don’t think about killing myself anymore. If you are someone whose parents are abusive, I urge you to get help, don’t let it carry on and get worse like I did. Don’t let them make you feel guilty, it’s not your fault. They need help and you don’t have to go through any of it alone. Tell someone, please.
Thankyou to anyone who took the time to read this.
You are such a strong person! Thank you for sharing this story. I’ve been there. Things will get better. <3
Dont worry.. This will last only until you get a job and show the courage to move out.. Just hold on till then.