“Money can’t buy happiness” that is true. I’m a 16 year old girl lived with my family and I have 2 brothers. Our family lived in a quite big house, everything is completed, my dad would give anything to me and my brothers. I can say that it is completed. And I’m thankful for that. But I do feel lonely sometimes because I don’t have many friends, in 2015, I got bullied by my schoolmates even in social media. They dislike me for my looks, my life. But it is normal for me, I also have a best friend and he’s a guy. Without him, I wouldn’t be here. Without him, I wouldn’t be strong. But right now, everything is okay. Everything is getting better and I hope it’s going to be forever. Well, there’s one problem. Sometimes I fight with my mom, and I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She do fight with my dad. Almost like always. It’s like she always get mad at me no matter what. I talked nicely to her and she thinks that I had a problem with her. A few months ago, I dropped her necklace and she cursed at me? That’s weird. And sometimes when she talks, it hurts my feeling. She said maybe I don’t have friend because of forwho am I now. (Means maybe because I am being me) and she insulted me. I went to my room and cried. I even cut myself everytime she mad at me, insulted me. I would never talk back to my mom because this is what people in my country always say ‘don’t put oil in the fire’. I’m afraid of her. I would stay silent and cut myself in the room. The reason why I wrote this and the title is money can’t buy happiness because, we have a big house, my mom would go shopping with my dad’s money(she has no job) and my mom would give me some $$$ as an apology. But for me, money won’t change a thing. All I want is a happy family. My mom treat my brother nicely even though my brother has a social problem with himself, he go out late night, smoking, etc. Maybe it’s because he is wealthy. While me and my other brother (I have 2 brothers) are just so-so. My mom would get mad at me and my older brother. For my mom, everything is money for her. For her, money can make her happy and everything. She always ask for money and use the term “money” to mad at us, to find me and my brother’s fault. Money as an apology. Money as an happy material. Money as everything. Money as God. And yet she treat us badly sometimes. It hurts me. It’s a long long story but let me stop until here. Ty for reading
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