I am a 14 year old student, who is giving up already. My family consists of my mom and dad as well as my two younger sisters. My mom is suffering from cancer, and she is undergoing chemotherapy sessions. As for my dad who is 60 years old, is retired from his job. It’s been almost 8 months since his retirement and spending money is really hard. Either way, I even helped my dad into getting him a job, but it all failed because of his age. My father decided to move into another country, but we have to wait till my mother is cured from her illness completely. What I fear that our life might turn into poverty or another problems will face our way. Its just so hard and we can’t do anything now. Both of my parents are really old, meanwhile me (14) and my sisters who are really young (age 7,5).
The reason why I wrote this, I just wanted to hear some advice or some encouragement that may keep me strong just for the sake of my family. Since I am the oldest I have to take care of everything.
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I don’t mean to sound too basic, but have you talked with any school counselors? There should be many resources to assist families like yours, and it just takes a little bit of reaching out. A social worker or counselor should be able to help connecting you with agencies for assistance with food and medical issues. Maybe your parents are uncomfortable or not knowledgeable about the help available but you should be able to ask for assistance and other people should be able to take some of this burden off of you. Please reach out. You are too young to have to worry about everyone in your family this way. You have a strong spirit, let others in for help.
Chill everything will turn out just fine. Its just a phase. It might pass like a kidney stone but this too shall pass. Till then dont loose hope champion. I know you can do this.