I wrote a long ass paragraph which I deleted. I’ll keep this one light. My mom’s a drunk and my dad is a loving abuser with an anger problem. I don’t live with either of them. My aunt hates me with all her heart I guess because my dad abused her when she was younger and because her mother takes care of me although she is 22 and should have moved out. I cut my wrists which you can hardly see, I cut my thighs so deep that the scars have not faded I regret it sooooo fucking much. They treat me like I don’t matter like I’m not their family, I’m just another task they have to manage. I feel no love they taunt me, asking why do you cut yourself, you are weird, you are a dumb dumb. My own aunty and grandmother thinks low of me pushing me to keep my virginity in every conversation we have, I just wanna yell “BITCH I DON’T HAVE IT I WAS RAPED”. When I was 9, I was raped in the closet of one of my aunt’s houses it was short, I struggled free. I was molested by my cousin he was adopted so I thought it wasn’t as bad. I was around 8 I was molested at like 5-6 times by my other adopted cousin and my step brother. My mom’s boyfriend’s son tried to expose himself when I was 11, he said we couldn’t do it, not because he was 18, what a fucking ass, but because my mom was pregnant and we would be brother and sister what did he think we were going do? I don’t know, I hold these things in because I don’t need negative attention, I want to die and I have tried cough syrup did not work, I cramped until I passed out. Then I woke up on the carpet wishing it had worked. I’m not in the right state of mind.
When writing your story, please use correct spelling and grammar. Please use a capital I rather than a lower i, and use apostrophes correctly. Such as I'm, don't, can't.
you’re strong. It can only go up from here.
I have no words to tell you.. You are brave nd believe me you are awesome.. You suffered a lot. Just be patient God will definitely help you.. All I want to say just be patient and calm. I think you are student so please focus on your studies and one day you never Knw all these problems will fade like dust