I am so confused…. does true love exist?
I overreact on this love. Knowing that it is hard to understand him, and the true love that’s he has for me. I made many mistakes and I am now regretting them. It has reached a stage where even sex with other friends of mine, he still wants me. Maybe this year I will try hard to handle this love and control myself from anything which will be worse. When he gets angry, he forgets how I look like. He fights much harder and he even beats me to be scared. And whenever I try to leave him, he holds me back. I even reported him to the police station but he ran away. This love is so complicated, we love each so much, it is just me who has been so stubborn and stupid. I wonder how much he still wants our relationships, whether he wants it to be more stronger. He forces me into love and yet he so lovely when comes to sexual moments. He is 26 years old and I am 23 years. Maybe I should grow up mentally, and listen to my heart, what it is telling me.