Do you ever wonder if people were your friends all along or were they just pretending? I have thought about that so much over the last few days. Why would someone go out of their way to hurt somebody else? I just don’t understand! Here is my story. One of my old friends, let’s call him A, decided to be mad at me for some reason that I don’t know about. But instead of discussing the situation with me, he goes behind my back and tells my secrets to almost my whole year level. How could you even stoop that low? I feel like I can’t trust him with anything and he might let out my biggest secret I have ever told him. I would be distraught considering we share the same secret. I don’t really know what to do. I feel like I have been betrayed, walked away from and stabbed in the back so hard. It is painful to see somebody who was so close to you turn away from you and back-stab you. It really does hurt.
I hope someone can help me make the situation better and help me make everything okay. I really hope that one day he finally understands how much pain he put me through!
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