I want to talk to my husband. He filed for divorce, and ever since he filed, he has avoided not only me, but his children also. He is a very intelligent man, but I don’t understand him. We have wasted so much money on a divorce that he never had the guts to tell me he actually wants. I almost don’t believe he wants to be divorced. I think this is the ultimate bluff…but I guess to think this isn’t really happening is extremely naive. I spent half my life with this man…and I don’t understand how he could possibly not want to be able to remain friends at the very least. He is acting out of character. He has been for the past few years. I believe there is a lot more to the story that I can’t even begin to fathom, because nothing makes sense anymore. I miss my husband….for many years he was my best friend. I revolved around him, and I don’t know if I can ever not miss him. Even though the past few years have been tough, I still want to know him. Every fiber in my body says I have to try and reach that stubborn man before he regrets his choices. But then, every fiber says to let him go…I am so lost without my friend.
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