In starting whenever I met a new person I think about them as good persons and they also make me to feel the same way about them and I feel happy being around with them. But when the days passing by they will give me kind of insecurity feeling. Because I am a kind of person with different thoughts and different mentality. Till now no one my life accepts me the way I am.
They always try to turn my real personality in to the way they like. But I can’t do that at the same time I can’t say to them how I feel. All those things hiding inside my heart make me feel frustrated and make to lose my confidence levels on me. Till now whoever the persons I feel very close they always used me other than that they never make me to feel that they will stand beside me and support me. Even though they are very important persons in my life I am not important person in their life.
They will make me to feel that they are supporting me and I blindly believe in them and devoted myself to them. At the very end, they never supported me and do whatever they wish for.
They always tell their problems and asks me to understand but never try to understand my problem and make me feel alone.
While the people I love, the most are enjoying I sat in a corner and crying. Still not expressing my sadness in-front of them and diverting myself to show that I am happy in-front of them so that I
won’t hurt their feelings which makes me to feel more frustrated.
All those feeling make me feel alone even though I am hanging with someone.
Am I such a bad person that no one likes me???
Am I having such a typical personality that no one accept my way of thinking???
Am I a cruel one that no one wants to know how I feel when they avoid me???
Even though they are treating me like that why am I unable to leave them and why am I not
able to hurt them in the way they hurt me???
Story of my life.