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I am bisexual and sometimes I do feel insecure about my looks

Sometimes I see videos of attractive people on social medias, YouTube and some other places.

Like videos where attractive chiselled males take part, often named as “how to get girl’s numbers without saying anything”, where they take off their shirt in front of a few girls and show offs their bodies, and then those girls give their number without even knowing the name of the guy.

Many other videos can be found on social medias, and it makes me think if it’s what that matters in a person? It’s the external attractiveness? because the way girls got impressed made me think if it’s the only way a man can get respect and more friends who are always amazed by their bodies? Those men seems to be doing that to hundreds of girls in a single video, and It makes me feel insecure about myself because every time I think of it, it makes me feel that its external beauty that counts the most, because literally none asked for his name and who he is.

Well, it’s good, those men are free to show off their bodies, where they put weeks of work and it’s perfectly fine, but what makes me feel insecure is if that is what that matters the most?
I am bisexual and sometimes I do feel insecure about my looks.

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