The OXFAM UGANDA Kampala Senior Management Team doesn’t care for staff and treats them like trash,often the Country Director, Head of Progammes, Logistics, Finance and Administrative Manager and the Fundraising Manager have on several occasions been sited screaming at staff, and the Human Resource Manager has witnessed this abuse, other cases of sexual harassment, verbal abuse, bullying, taking bribes by the Senior Management Team have been presented and ignored and when staff tries to challenge, they are let go.
The Country Director has led to dismissal of staff so that his relatives Charity and Jacob are hired indirectly yet they are not qualified for the jobs (under the disguise of their contract ending) and insisted that he got full authority from OXFAM affiliates Directors to bring in his relatives.
Staff are always threatened to be fired in case they report management to the other affiliates or use media and are denied access to Visiting Directors that come to the office.
Some of the Staff members are denied leave yet its mandatory that staff take leave, they are overworked, denied toil and always burnt out but the staff really like their jobs and do their best despite the bad conditions that happen them.
The Human Resource Manager doesn’t care for Staff needs, medical cards, IDs issued late, when staff make complainants about how they are treated she ignores, Interviews are always delayed, locks herself and switches off her phone to keep staff away from contacting her, accepts bribes to people to take jobs that aren’t qualified. The food served has given staff food poisoning on several occasions, and complaints sent to HR which she ignores, while sick staff are forced to work and recalled even after taking documented leave, Senior Management take leave whenever they please but for staff, it’s a big deal, when Staff loss someone, give birth, fall sick or wed a lot of favoritism occurs, some celebrated, some forgotten, unfair job termination, employee induction is favored, Staff are given a lot of work while their line managers just sit down and take the credit, they are never given credit only criticism and threats about job loss.