I’m really tired of living my life, all the time I get this feeling that I don’t belong and it’s killing me, I don’t know what to do with my life. I’m not talking about suicide or anything, just plain tiredness in general. I wanna be able to find a passion but I lack it, I wanna be good in something but I’m not.
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I know the feeling. I have been tired with my life so long, once it was even suicidal for me. Yet, I’m someone who looks to the future with good thoughts. I cannot control a lot of things, but I have some control and with that small piece I will fight my hardest for my dreams. I know you are not me, maybe you don’t see a future yet or just haven’t for a while. But imagine one. Imagine a life that you would actually be happy with. Fight for that life, it will give yours a purpose. A lot of people say they aren’t good at anything, but I don’t believe it. You are lying to yourself if you’re saying that. EVERYONE is GOOD at something. The problem you face now is finding that something. I, a total stranger, believe in you. I believe you can find what you’re looking for in life. I’m not saying it’s an easy road to happiness and fulfillment, but I’m saying it’s a possible road. If you lack passion, then you haven’t discovered what makes you truly passionate. Go explore. If you can travel, do that. If you can’t, look around you and try something new where you can. Keep searching until something clicks. I know you are tired, you have already been looking, but look somewhere else – somewhere you didn’t look before because you told yourself you would never be “good” at that. People like to say “practice makes perfect” it’s not true, there is no perfect, but there is better. Practice really makes better. You could become better at something and then discover you have a place to be and a dream to make true. Again, I believe in you. Best of luck, yours truly, a stranger.