I am a seventeen year old teenager and I am looking for a place to get this problemĀ on my chest. My problem is about myself. I guess when I get stressed too much, I get tired of my life and it seems like I don’t wanna live anymore. Last week my grandma and me argued on a certain thing and I ran away and cried. Suicide got on my mind and I do not know if I can still deal with this. I am getting tired each day.
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Hey, I’m 19 and I sometimes feel like that. When my problems get too heavy for me to handle. I cry myself to sleep. There are times I just want to scream so loud and not care if someone hears me or not. But most of the times, I just want to break something. Every day is a challenge cause we don’t know what will happen next but that’s the beauty in reality, a thrill. Why not try to think you’re in a movie where in the beginning the character is not having the greatest time of his life but sooner or later will find his/her reason that will change his/her life forever.
hey, you are too young and too beautiful to die. and the world my actually need you. you just don’t know it yet. you are important. if you ever feel unloved, just know that i love you even though i don’t know you. remember suicide is a crime and you’re not coward. and there might be a better day ahead waiting for you.