You ever just feel invisible, you know your there but you feel as though no one can sense you. Hey hello I’m over here the girl that’s had a crush on you since high school, yet you went and chose the attention seeking, no common sense girl who goes behind your back. I don’t know what you see in her, but I wish I had what she did. Then again I don’t because I can only hope that you realize that I’m right here, better quality a girl who wants to build with you and not against you.
When writing your story, please use correct spelling and grammar. Please use a capital I rather than a lower i, and use apostrophes correctly. Such as I'm, don't, can't.
May be I don’t think you are the right one for me.How can you say surely that you are the right one for me?Why don’t you answer some questions about me? It would be a really help in knowing that you seriously are the one, the one who knows me very well , right for me.
1.My steengths , My skills
2. My hobbies/favorite pass time.
3.Favorite songs and color.
4.favorite food.
6.Places I want to see.
and the list goes on..
Why don’t we have a clear conversation!!!