This is a sad one… I guess. I am not putting this out there for pity or a “sorry”. I just need to get things off my chest. So, I HATE MY PARENTS!!! I know ‘hate’ is a strong word but I do. But honestly it’s more toward my dad. Just a few hours ago (I just got finished crying my eyes out) I asked him if being my parent where going to bed. He said “what’s it to you” Then I said I was just asking. he yelled at me telling me that I kept having an attitude and I keep disrespecting him all night. Well him saying “what’s it to you?” is very disrespectful to me, I was just asking a simple question! Anyway then he yells again at me “Get over here” so I walk over, he gets 2 inches away from my face and yells at me. Honestly I was just blocking him out I didn’t really care what was being said. He spit all over my face, and when I say spit I mean spit. Plus he has the most disgusting teeth and mouth in the world.
1. His teeth are yellow and gross
2. His breath is always smelling like dead fish.
Its disgusting plus to yell in my face 2 inches away. I mean really!!! That’s just one story there is plenty more and my mom just sits there and doesn’t do anything about it. Oh, and when she does stand up for me my dad yells at her then they will fight all trough the week. When my older sister used to live with us the fights would get really bad and she would call the cops because my dad would hit my mom!! A few months ago my mom and dad were fighting really bad and my dad was flipping chairs, cussing, and then slapped my mom when she tried to stop him. I was already typing 9-1-1! But I got scared what if he slapped me, or my younger sister? So I just left it alone. Sometimes I just want to yell at him and tell him to stop degrading my whole family. I mean that’s why my sister moved out to live with my grandparents in 8th grade. I’m honestly thinking about it. My dad has called me fat, ugly and the devil. It was really sad for me to say this, I’m even crying right now. Sorry for ranting I just needed to get that out of my system.