Hi. I am 23 years-old girl. I have a feeling like nothing is going to make me happy again. I have studied international relations, but from the very beginning I knew that is not what I want to do, but my family insisted on me studying IR; so, I could not reject. Now I am working in a private company as a brand manager assistant, I am officially working from 08:30 till 17:30, but often I left office at 20:00 as the work load is too much; however, they do not pay for over-time. My job is not that boring, not that interesting either. My work mates are fine, I like hanging out with them. But still I am not satisfied. The problem is that I do not really know what I want to do in life. I do not know what I am passionate about, what can be my dream job, on which field I should make my Master. I feel like time goes by quickly, and I am unable to cope with. It feels like I am living for nothing, just fending off my days. I do not have any purpose, and actually I frequently ask myself what the purpose of life is. If I don’t have an ultimate goal that will drive me to live, then what is the purpose of my existence? Why am I living, for whom and for what? What is it all after?
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