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I hate school.

I hate school. It messed me up so bad I’m thinking about suicide. I don’t even care. Why the fuck did I have to stress so much. Over a fucking school which ruined my life and never taught me a thing. Seriously it is a big punch in face. I just want to stab every teacher’s eyeballs and throw them to the headmaster saying you’re next.


  1. I hate school too. I’ve never been “formally” diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety, but I know I have it. There are times when I’m too depressed and out of it to care about grades or anything, even though I’m not actually sad. Then I have a huge panic attack because my grades are already slipping. I can’t even try right now in my favorite class. You may not believe in God, but He is the only way I’m even alive right now. Yes, school is stressful, and when it adds to all the other stress in our lives, it can make us want to die. I myself am suicidal and I’m still attempting to recover from self-harm. Some days I have to fight harder than ever against the urges to cut and overdose. But I promise you that YOU ARE WORTH IT. Whatever it is, you’re worth it. Jesus died for you because He loves you. And guess what? He rose again. He loved you so much that He died to take all the bad in your life and then rose up from death so He could be with you and you wouldn’t have to miss Him. So even when you’re at your lowest, remember this: sometimes that’s the only time we look up. And sometimes, instead of trying to climb up out of that hole, we have to use rock bottom as our foundation and build up from there. Keep your head up beautiful (I don’t care if you’re a guy, you’re beautiful). Don’t let your crown fall. You are God’s royal child. I know it’s hard, but you’ll make it. Rely on God to fight for you- He already won the battle. You just have to let go and let Him take control. It will be hard. But He is all-powerful. And remember one more thing: God loves you. I love you, and I would miss you if I found at that you had killed yourself. So please don’t. 🙂

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