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I told my mum I hated myself

When I was eleven I told my mom I hated myself, and I wanted to kill myself. Immediately she told me to never say that again or I would end up in a mental hospital like my uncle. So I never said it again, at least to her. I’m now seventeen, and I can’t move past this.
When I was fourteen, I got addicted to cutting, and when my parents found out all they did was tell me not to do it again or they would take away my phone.
I kept doing it.
At fourteen I also started a secret depression Instagram account and made friends on there with similar issues. In retrospect, it wasn’t a healthy thing for me to do, but at the time it was the only way for me to say what was happening to me. A friend found it and told my parents, they then took away my phone for a month, internet for three months, and Instagram for four. We spoke a bit about my feelings, but once again they just assumed a punishment would solve my issues. My feelings would go away. They asked me if I wanted to see a doctor, I told them I did. They said they would “look” but nothing happened.
Fifteen was a year where after leaving home for four months and being the happiest I had been in four years, I discovered that for me, home just wasn’t a good environment. After I came home, I began self-harming again and it was that summer after they found out again that they finally said they would find a doctor. They did, and I’ve been seeing him for a little over a year now. However, my parents are ready for me to be done. They think that I’ve been doing therapy for long enough and I should be fine now! I should be happy and I… I know that I will always be the disappointment. Because I self-harmed, because I have depression, because I see a doctor for it. I rant about people who don’t understand depression and such, but in reality my own parents are those I cannot stand in this world.

One Comment

  1. There are just a hand full people outside there that know what this feels like. Life is just unfair and rude. Buut you should be proud of yourself. Proud of admitting that you need help. Proud of keeping it up day for day. I know, it seems unimaginable but you’ve got a bright future in fornt of you. Honestly I’m also not sure about that, but there has to come better time, better people, better places. You just need to hold on a little more.

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