Hello, we are The Raybourns. I am writing this for my husband because he is the head of our home he leads us! I am going to tell a bit of his story and hopefully it touches you and gives you a clear vision of what it is that straight up out of M3mphiz (Food Truck) is. ” My name is Malcolm Raybourn I’m 24 years old from Memphis Tennessee. When I was 9 years old I started watching my mom and step dad cook and sell food every weekend. We woke up every weekend to prepare food we sold out of our own food truck. We continued this routine until at the age of 13 things came to a sudden and drastic halt. I was diagnosed with LYME DISEASE! Because of the disease, I don’t remember a whole lot but I do remember one day I was horse playing with my 2 brothers in our living room and I started to get tired and I told them I didn’t want to play anymore. I had a severe headache and neck pains. I laid on the couch moaning and groaning in pain. Then I rolled to the floor…. And there I died. From there the story was told to me that my mom came in from work she smelled a funny smell in the house and when she saw me laying on the floor I was laying there dead. (The smell was me in had passed my last bowel movement.) Of course, they called 911 and I was rushed to the ER the doctors gave up on me a said there was nothing they could do I was dead and more than likely would be brain dead. But my mom did not give up on me THANK GOD!!! They discovered I had been bitten by a tick but did not know how long it had been and that what was the cause of me getting the headache and neck pains which resulted into me having Lyme disease. The tick bite had cut off my fluid circulation. So, the doctors decided to try shirts. I had many surgery’s which in the end I ended up with 2 shunt tumours. I had to learn to walk and talk again. After it all I graduated high school and my parents continued to cook and continued to watch. GOD SPARED MY LIFE AND NOW I KNOW WHY! After high school I moved from Memphis Tennessee to Atlanta Georgia with NOTHING to my name except a dream of COOKING in 2011 a year after I graduated high school. I was homeless living outside going without food or shelter for months until I was accepted into a shelter. They gave me a bed, clothes, hot food a helped me go out and find a job a learn to manage and save money. I got a job at Hooters. I started there making $2.13 an hour as a dishwasher…. From there in a few years I went to bring COOPERATE KITCHEN TRAINER making $11.00!!! LOOK AT GOD! But I knew this was not IT for me I knew the skills and the ethics I had was worth so much more. So, I ended up getting frustrated and praying harder than before and at the time I was dating my now Lovely wife Milly and I was taking care of her and her 3 beautiful children who now are my own and the money I made was not enough to support my family. I begged Hooters for more pay and it was not given I felt dragged and over worked and ignored. We moved to a bigger home and I transferred Hooters closer to our new home and once I did that seem like things got worse!!! We became Stacked up and behind on bills drastically our new truck was taken due to a tag issue I couldn’t get to my other job which was 30 mins away because there was no train or bus where we moved to and rent became behind and I knew then that I had TO do something to Bette my family not just for now but the future!! So, we decided to apply to higher paying jobs in Wilmington NC where my wife is originally from. Her parent said if I found a job they would come get us and we could stay there with them UNTIL we got on our feet! So, August 22nd 2015 we moved to NC it was a little struggle at first BUT GOD… November 18th 2015 I started a wonderful job at the airport…. November 29th, we discovered we were pregnant…. February 1st 2016 we moved in our new home…February 3rd 2016 we got our new car and many wonderful blessings God has showed us AFTER that. But in between all that I started back chasing my dream. COOKING Not for anyone but for me….my own business. I’ve always dreamt of having my own business and I thought it was a restaurant but every opportunity I had before me didn’t work out like we planned and I discovered that it was Not in God’s plan for me. I was blessed with a BIG grill and able to sell dinners just like my parents did as I watched them do. At first it was slow and disappointing at times but I didn’t give up…. now it’s so much overflow and people are LOVING STR8 UP OUTTA M3MPHIZ BBQ!!! We have been saving up for a FOOD TRUCK/TRAILER. We have taken all precautions and gotten all paper needed to start our own food TRUCK and we have done caterings and a few church events here in Wilmington North Carolina and now we are ready to shoot for the stars and travel and let the world taste STR8 UP OUTTA M3MPHIZ signature BBQ BOLOGNA sandwich BBQ NACHOS and Memphis style RIBS!!! And sooooo much more! WE NEED ALL THE PRAYERS WE CAN GET AND JUST WANT STEVE TO TASTE OUR RIBS AND MEMPHIS BOLOGNA SANDWICH. OR AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE US REACHING OUT TO HIM ON TWITTER FB AND INSTAGRAM. MOST IMPORTANTLY TAKE TIME TO READ MY STORY AND I HOPE YOU CAN SEE MY DREAM THREW My story. MY KIDS HEAR ME TALK ABOUT MY FOODTRUCK EVERYDAY THEY SEE ME WORK A 9-5 EVERYDAY AND I DON’T WANT THEM TO HAVE TO LIVE LIKE ME AND MY WIFE. I’M A MAN FIRST AND A MAN OF GOD HE WILL SEE MY FAMILY THREW REGARDLESS BUT WHILE I HAVE THE POWER AND STRENGTH IN ME I PROMISE I WILL GET THIS TRUCK AND BLESS PEOPLE THREW MY FOOD! THANKS for your time!!!!
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