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Should I start a move or should I wait?

I feel like I’m falling in love with this boy. I met him a year ago and strangely I don’t have any feelings towards him, but 3-2 months ago when there’s an exam and using the same class, I always keep seeing him a lot at school, since then I always think about him. He is tall, has nice eyes, a kind personality, is smart and handsome. He is a year younger than me and of course I’m his senior, he is like an introvert boy in his class, I barely see him hang around with his friends just like another group of boys. I kind of want to talk to him when he is alone, or just saying hi, but I don’t have any courage to do that because I have my pride too as a senior.

I think I can just let it pass away but, since he always tries to look at me, smile at me, and call me senior, I think I can’t just let it go, I think he have a feeling towards me too, but I’m not sure. that’s why I’m so confused and I really want to know what is his true feeling towards me.

should I start a move or should I wait until I graduate and hide my feelings?

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