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A Journey to PR

When me and my husband got married on March 2009, it never slipped our minds that one day, we would separate ways because either of us had to work abroad. But we really never know what God has in store for us. So, when my husband was given the chance to work here in Canada, at first, we were both excited but as the day for his departure drew nearer and nearer, it was also getting harder and harder for me, for him and for our son, to accept that we will be an “incomplete” family. Well physically speaking, for a time.

When he left for Canada last July 2015, our son was only 3yrs old then. But at a young age, he already showed signs of depression and anxiety of being away from his Daddy and that was the hardest consequence I think, that we all had to bear… living in what the three of us call a “Long Distance Family Relationship”.

Everything seemed incomplete. Celebrating my husband’s first birthday in Canada, our first Christmas, New Year, Mine and my son’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, our wedding anniversary, and all other occasions that we used to celebrate together seemed so incomplete because we were apart.

In 2016, I would say this was the hardest time of all. We were facing so many problems and struggles. Me and my spouse had marital problems which almost lead us to separation. My in laws were facing such challenges too and because we are family, emotional, physical, and mental stress added more to what I was feeling then and what my condition was at that time. I almost wanted to break down and was really at my lowest point. But, God truly loves me, for at that time when everything else was failing, He embraced me with so much love and comfort. He never failed me. Slowly I began to heal. I was able to move forward and appreciate more the things and the people who are around me. I have learned how to become a more loving mother to our son and a forgiving and understanding wife to my husband.

Fast forward to 2017.

There were still times when I felt sad seeing most of our friends leaving for Canada to be with their families. It wasn’t really a feeling of envy, I guess it was more of a question, when will it be the time for us to be complete again?

January 27 – on our son’s birthday, my husband took the CELPIP exam for the 4th time and at that moment I felt, he was going to pass it and he did. A week after my birthday, the result came out and it was one of the best birthday gifts that me and my son have received.

But another struggle that we had to face in relation to his Permanent Resident (PR) application was the change in the process and score that he must reach to be eligible in the Express Entry. There was a dramatic change on the score and we had to meet more requirements which entailed more financial expenses.

On Feb 10 – My husband applied for his educational credential assessment. On April 4 he was able to receive the report. THANK GOD that he was able to receive it in a timely manner.

On Mar 4 – I took an IELTS exam. This was one of the things that I can consider as an accomplishment since I had no time to review for this but still managed to get a high score thus, 16 points out of the 20 points, were contributed to Harold’s application. PRAISE GOD!

On Mar 24 – My husband applied for a renewal of his passport. This was also something that I can attest that God is truly guiding us. It was only by accident that I was able to read about the rule on work permit extension, thus the need for the immediate renewal of his passport. He was able to get his new passport on May 22, just in time for his Work Permit Extension application. GOD IS TRULY GOOD.

After all the processes that we went through, still the points didn’t meet the required score to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for PR. But, we weren’t feeling down at all because we were supposed to apply for a spousal sponsorship by the time he gets his work permit renewed. So, there was something to look forward to by July or August.

On April 24-25 – I attended an overnight silent retreat. It was my first time to undergo a silent retreat, so it was really a moment with God alone. And because my heart and my mind were at peace, I was able to hear clearly God’s message and promise to me. As I was hearing his voice I was writing it in my notebook with closed eyes and this was his message:

“Trust in Me for I have set everything for you and your family. This year I promise you that you will be complete, and everything will be provided to you. Do not worry for I have set everything and that my plans will please you. You will be happy and Kharlo will be very happy to be with his dad. Harold will continue serving me and all of you will do the same. Praise and worship me and I will provide you with everything you need and ask for. Have faith and I will never forsake you. Trust in my will and my plans for I love you and I will never forget you. Hang in there my child. You are blessed, and your family is blessed. Open your heart to me and learn to forgive. Forgive everyone who has wronged you. Forgive yourself, forgive Harold, forgive everyone. Continue to praise and worship me and all shall be well.”

From then on, I held on to his promise and just after I stepped out from that retreat, everything seemed so clear and peaceful. I started receiving all this wonderful news.

April 26 – I got accepted in another job and was earning extra aside from my regular work.

April 27 – I found out that my promotion at work has been approved and will receive a retroactive payment of 1 year

May 25 – My husband was able to apply for an extension of his work permit

May 26 – The most unexpected thing happened. We finally got our ITA. It was really a blessing from God and I remembered God’s promise to me. It was for some miraculous reason that the supposed 413 points that we had to meet to be able to receive an ITA went down to 199, just for the stream that my husband was in to. I really can’t explain why it had happened, but it is with so much joy that we claim that it is God’s plan for us and that he is keeping his promise.
It was also on May 26 that I received the retroactive pay for my promotion and for some reason, the amount that I got, covered the amount that me and my son needed to have our medical done. God truly laid everything on our paths.

July 11- My husband had his medical done.

July 24 – We finally submitted our PR application and so the waiting game was on.

July 28 – We passed our medicals and background check was in progress.

September 1– At a very short time, we finally got our PR approved and our passports were requested for visa stamping. PRAISE GOD!

After everything we’ve been through, I can’t help but to remember and look back at God’s promise and he truly was faithful to it. Now we can say that we are home and that we are COMPLETE, in this perfect time that he had planned for us.

Note: I made this testimony on July 28, 2017 so I had no idea when our application will be approved but God kept on telling me that it will be on September, so I wrote that month in this draft and true enough, we got approved on September 1. God is truly AMAZING! Now, we are here in Canada as a complete family, starting a new life full of God’s provision and blessings.

Do Not Worry
Matthew 6:25-33
New International Version (NIV)
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 BUT SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND ALL THESE THINGS WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU AS WELL.

Thank you and to God be the Glory!!!

One Comment

  1. Are you guys Indian (Punjabi) ?
    I know its a weird question but i just felt you are punjabi

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